Top-up Loan
A loan product designed to run concurrently with the existing loan facilities of performing loan clients in times of liquidity challenges.
Product benefit
• Easy access to working capital.
• Timely access to goods and services.
• Stress-free access to additional fund with little or no collateral or excessive documentation required.
• Interest rebate on all payments for on-time deposits.
General Eligibility for Loan Products
• No Guarantor required
• Existing clients in their 3rd cycle and a 12 month excellent loan history
• Minimum of 12 months experience in the business and 6 months in the same location.
• Business owner
• Registered business
• Ghanaian Citizen between 18-65 years
Documentation requirement:
• ID card (Driver’s License, Passport, Voter’s ID, NHIS, etc.)
• 2 passport pictures
• Copy of utility bills or tenancy agreements
• Business registration documents[/vc_column_text]